The Davis Corner

The Davis Corner

April 28, 2008

Sunny Day!

Today was such a beautiful day. Even though I was really tired today, I decided I was going to get out with the boys and be active. I really only did it hoping I would go into labor. Even though it didn't work we still had a great time. We went on a picnic to a great park by my parents house. Megan came with us and enjoyed the warm weather with us. The boys had a great time, and even after almost two and a half hours they still didn't want to leave. We finally left and then decided to go to Walmart for groceries because Megan needed to go too. After that we met TJ to get the car inspected. We took the kids to the mall to play on the cupcake things for about an hour. Ok, so the day still isn't over. TJ had rehearsal, so we followed him to his parents house. I played with the boys outside, made them dinner, and watched rehearsal a little.

At about 8 we left to go home. The boys jumped in the tub since they were filthy dirty! By the time they were ready for bed it was about 9, and they were past exhaustion. I waited too long to put them to bed. It took almost an hour for them to pass out.

So after the longest day of my pregnant life, I am still at home on my couch. I'm not at the hospital! If it doesn't happen soon I am going to be really upset! I will keep you all posted. I go to the doctor tomorrow morning. He told me he would start me on Wed. if I haven't gone into labor. I still can't decide if I should be induced or just wait. I might just cave in and do it ASAP! Wish me luck!



Elise and Lane said...

Bless your little heart! Those boys are so lucky to have you as a mom! I'm sure your 3rd boy will fit right in with them! Good luck over the next few days with whatever you decide! I'm think'n of you!

emalina49a said...

I heard you guys came to Beauty and the Beast on Saturday. Steve mentioned that you said hi...
Good luck with the induction decision.

I was induced both of the last two times. One was fairly easy, textbook, no problems. But I was at a 3 already when they started me, broke my water, gave me pitocin, gave me an epidural, spent the afternoon kind of relaxing... Total time 8 hrs

The second time I had to be down at the U and I hadn't progressed on my own at all, like maybe a 1. It was a little longer and not as pleasant, but still not too terrible. Checked in at 8pm and had the baby by 1 pm the next day. 12 hrs of cervidil (or something like that) which made me contract uncomfortably but nothing compared to full labor. Then my water broke AND they gave me I went from a 2 to a 10 in about 2.5 hrs, not so fun....

My two bits, if you have been progressing at all of your checks and your doctor thinks you are ready, you will probably be fine to be induced. If you aren't really dilating or effacing on your own, wait a little while because spending over night in the hospital trying to soften a cervix is not so much fun.

Good luck and don't think of it as a cheaters way....for some of us that is the only way to get the babies to come.

Anonymous said...

good luck w/ the babe.

Anderson Avenue said...

Hey I was induced with both of mine but had already started dialating! I was at a five and walking around with Kason not knowing!! Then as soon as they broke my water he was right there, I pushed twice and he was out!! The doctor said that if I was anywhere but the hospital and my water broke I would have had him in the car or wherever I was! So inducing isn't too bad if you have done some of the work already. Good luck with everything! Can't wait to see his cute little face.

Trisha said...

Erin- hang in there:) Good luck if tomorrow is the big day!!!!
Be sure to post LOTS of pictures of your new little guy!

Jenny said...

Do your boys usually come early? Hopefully he will come soon! I couldn't believe it when Seth was a week late!! I guess they arrive on earth WHEN THEY WANT TO! Good luck with everything, I can't wait to see pics of the little new arrival.

P.S. I was going to tell you that I digital scrapbook, I have the same paper as your background, isn't it fun?

keep us posted!

P.S. Do your boys know how soon they are to have a little brother?

Chelsea said...

you're amazing! ready to have a baby any minute and still out taking cute pics of you boys! you're my IDOL!

The Jensen Family said...

I've been checking the blog everyday hoping your baby has's got to come sooner or later, right? :) Sooner would be nice I'm sure. Keep us posted!

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