Our St. George trip was for one purpose only, to see shows. Everyone but me and the boys went to two shows at the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City on Thursday. We drove to St. George to watch some volleyball and see some fun friends!
This is Jackie. I love my Jackie! I coached her in club last year, and it was so fun getting to know her. She is the Sophomore coach at Snow Canyon high school, so we got to watch her in action! It was so fun to see you Jackie, and your cute family!
This is my Kiz. She is a Freshman this year at Snow Canyon high school. She plays on the Varsity team, and she is AMAZING! I have know this girl for years! Her mom Cindy was my coach when I was a Junior in college. I love Cindy, she is an incredible woman and I have learned so much from her. She has such an amazing attitude. I just can't say enough about her. Anyway! I used to go watch Kiz play volleyball when she was in 3rd grade. She was so skinny her spandex would sag! I loved this girl like she was mine own, and I still do! Now she is all grown up and hitting girls in the face with the volleyball! No but seriously, she is such a great volleyball player. It was so fun to spend a few hours with Walt & Cindy. Thanks again you guys! Oh and Kiz, TJ says that he is still your boyfriend! :)
My boys were so great during the games. I'm lucky I have amazing kids!
Friday we spent the morning in Cedar City swimming in our pool, and playing at the park. Blake took us to this amazing park! It had some great stuff for kids, and adults!

Tuacahn! We got to see two show at Tuacahn this year. Annie, and Aida. Annie was great for the boys, and way cute. Aida was so amazing! We had a great hotel in St. George, with a pool that was perfect for the boys.
Thanks Mom and Dad for a great trip!
Hey this trip looks like it was so much fun. I can't believe how big Cindy's kids are getting!!
What a fun trip! All those fun shows AND volleyball too? Sounds almost too good to be true! :)
looks like a fun trip. Cute pics the park!
How fun! These pictures are so cute! Love you!
How fun!!! I miss you and you are only 20 minutes away. I feel like I am still in Ohio. Whats UP with that. I will call you!!!
Thank you so much for posting about Taylie. Every little link counts!
What a fun park! We are about 20 minutes from Ceder, and people keep telling me to go to that park. We'll have to! Way cute pictures.
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