The Davis Corner

The Davis Corner

June 13, 2011

Soccer Stars

The team.... 

The fans...
The Players....

The Coach....
Wow we had a fun time with soccer this year!  TJ was a great coach, the kids really loved him.  One of our games he was gone on his NY trip, so I had to be the coach.  The kids kept asking where their coach was and when he was coming back.  They loved him!  Braden became the boys really good friend by the end.  I was good friends with his mom in high school, so we had a fun time as well!  We have had lots of play dates since then!  My boys keep asking when soccer season starts again, they can't wait until next year! 


Chelsea said...

I love this post! Cutest boys ever! I miss them so much!

Wendi said...

I agree your boys are adorable. I'm sure you get asked if they are twins.

Melissa S. said...

your little (but getting soooooooo tall) boys are so so so so stinkin' cute. They'll be some major hearts broken one day for sure because there's only 4 Davis boys to go around!

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

Oh my heck that one picture with the boys turned around is PRECIOUS!!! SO CUTE!

Julie said...

Cute pictures! I love the black and white from precious!

Dani said...

I love all these pics. My kids love soccer too. They can't wait for fall to come so we can play again. Thanks for your comment on my blog. And YES we will be at Bandito the last week in July. Either Tues the 26th or Thurs the 28th. We have tickets for both and are splitting in half so we can leave kids at home both times. I am so excited and hopefully this year wont end up like last year. Ya, it was crappy to be in the hospital and have someone say your son has cancer, but what ran a close second to that was that I had tickets to Bandito and never got to go. WE WILL BE THERE THIS YEAR!!!!

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